All Problems

1 - What is the capital of France?

2 - How many continents are there?

3 - When did the first world war end?

4 - What is the largest mammal?

5 - What is the smallest prime number?

6 - Which planet is known as the Red Planet?

7 - What is the boiling point of water?

8 - Who wrote "To be, or not to be"?

9 - What is the speed of light?

10 - What is the largest ocean on Earth?

11 - What is the chemical symbol for water?

12 - Who painted the Mona Lisa?

13 - What is the main ingredient in guacamole?

14 - What is the capital of Japan?

15 - Which element has the atomic number 1?

16 - What is the square root of 64?

17 - Who developed the theory of relativity?

18 - What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?

19 - Which planet is closest to the sun?

20 - What is the longest river in the world?

21 - Who is known as the father of computers?

22 - What is the primary language spoken in Brazil?

23 - What is the smallest country in the world?

24 - Who wrote "Pride and Prejudice"?

25 - Which organ purifies our blood?

26 - What is the currency of Japan?

27 - Which gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere?

28 - What is the capital of Canada?

29 - Which planet has the most moons?

30 - What is the largest bone in the human body?

31 - Who discovered penicillin?

32 - What is the main gas found in the air we breathe?

33 - What is the chemical symbol for gold?

34 - Who is the author of "Harry Potter"?

35 - What is the largest planet in our solar system?

36 - Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?

37 - What is the most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere?

38 - Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?

39 - What is the longest bone in the human body?

40 - Who was the first President of the United States?

41 - Which planet is known for its rings?

42 - What is the hardest natural substance?

43 - Which is the largest internal organ in the human body?

44 - What is the capital of Australia?

45 - Which vitamin is produced when a person is exposed to sunlight?

46 - Who wrote "The Odyssey"?

47 - Which element is said to keep bones strong?

48 - What is the largest desert in the world?

49 - Who is the Greek god of the sea?

50 - What is the speed of sound?

51 - What is the chemical symbol for potassium?

52 - What is the smallest unit of life?

53 - Which planet is known as the Morning Star?

54 - Who invented the telephone?

55 - What is the capital of Italy?

56 - What is the most widely spoken language in the world?

57 - Who was the first man to step on the moon?

58 - Which country is the largest by area?

59 - What is the tallest mountain in the world?

60 - Which blood type is known as the universal donor?

61 - What is the main ingredient in traditional paella?

62 - Which country is home to the kangaroo?

63 - What is the largest organ in the human body?

64 - Which planet is known as the Blue Planet?

65 - What is the capital of Spain?

66 - Which is the smallest continent by land area?

67 - What is the hardest rock?

68 - Who wrote "1984"?

69 - What is the primary component of the sun?

70 - What is the main ingredient in hummus?

71 - Which ocean is the smallest?

72 - Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic?

73 - Which planet has a day longer than its year?

74 - What is the fastest land animal?

75 - What is the most common gas in the Earth’s atmosphere?

76 - Who discovered America?

77 - What is the capital of Germany?

78 - Who is the author of "The Catcher in the Rye"?

79 - What is the smallest ocean?

80 - What is the primary ingredient in bread?

81 - Who painted "Starry Night"?

82 - What is the main ingredient in tofu?

83 - What is the capital of Russia?

84 - Which country is known as the Land of the Midnight Sun?

85 - Who wrote "Hamlet"?

86 - What is the main gas found in the sun?

87 - Which country is the smallest by land area?

88 - What is the capital of China?

89 - Who invented the lightbulb?

90 - What is the capital of India?

91 - Who wrote "Moby Dick"?

92 - What is the main ingredient in borscht?

93 - Which country has the most natural lakes?

94 - What is the largest land animal?

95 - What is the capital of Brazil?

96 - What is the chemical symbol for iron?

97 - Which is the hottest planet in our solar system?

98 - Who wrote "The Great Gatsby"?

99 - What is the main ingredient in traditional Japanese miso soup?

100 - What is the largest island in the world?